ID- This is an important part of our personality because newborns ' needs are constantly being met. it is the pleasure principle and is in no consideration of the rest. For example when a child is hungry, cries, and wants food, it always gets it.
Ego- This is when personality begins to develop and when the ego understands the needs of others. This is the reality principle where one notices that being selfish is bad and is trying to meet the needs of the id.
Superego- It is the moral part of the three and this is the stage where the person notices its restraints and knows between good an evil.
Regression-When a person goes back to the previous stage of psychological development. Projection-When a person's is unacceptable to another person and that other person is affected. Repression- When a threatening though is blocked from consciousness.
BIG FIVE- Extroversion vs. introversion, neuroticism vs. emotional stability, agreeableness vs. antagonism, conscientiousness vs. impulsiveness, openness to experience vs. resistance to new experience.
Twin studies- Researches have been comparing identical twins with fraternal twins.
Oedipus Complex- Where the personality develops in psycho sexual stages where the energy takes different forms as the child grows.
Psychodynamic Theories- Freud's followers that broke away from him developed their own schools. The most popular psychodynamic approaches are from Carl Jung and of the object-relations theorists.
Displacement- A defense mechanism where people's emotions are directed towards others such as anger.
Reaction formation- A feeling where the unconscious is produced and becomes conscious. Denial- When a person refuses to acknowledge an unpleasant happening.

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