Monday, March 15, 2010

Development over a life span

Development Over a Life Span

Vocabulary Words:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- Cause of birth defects because of taking alcohol during pregnancy.

Gender identity- The sense of belonging to one sex only.

Adolescence- A period of development between puberty and adulthood.

Puberty- When a person reaches the age of being able to sexually reproduce.

Motor reflexes- Automatic behaviors that are needed for survival.

Separation anxiety- When a person leaves their comfort zone and becomes distressed because of it.

Parentese- "child-directed speech"

Psycholinguists- The psychological influence of interpreting different languages.

Assimilation- The state of being assimilated.

Erikon- German psychoanalyst.

Menopause- The time where the period ends permanently.

Piaget- Swiss psychologist who studied the cognitive development of children.

Gerontology- The study of social, biological, and psychological aging.

Object permanence- The understanding of an object existing even when it is not visible.

Accommodation- Getting accustomed to place, person, or thing.

Socialization- Understanding and learning one's culture.

Sensory motor stages- In Piaget's stages where children use their five senses to learn.

Erikson's Eight Stages

1. Trust vs. Mistrust

2. Autonomy vs. Shame

3. Initiative vs. Guilt

4. Industry vs. inferiority

5. Identity vs. Role confusion

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation

7. Generative vs. Stagnate

8. Ego integrity vs. Despair

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