Monday, March 15, 2010




Dreams are interpreted in many different ways depending on every web page. The website we used in order to interpret our dreams was . It has an extensive glossary of dream symbols that can help one understand their dreams.

Analysis ( Coding of Dreams)

1. Characters: They are people, things, and mythical figures that are coded by number, sex, identity, and age.

2. Actions: It can be social interactions and activities such as talking, walking, aggression, or friendliness.

3. Emotions: There are five classes of emotion. They are anger, apprehension, sadness,confusion and happiness.

4. Objects: There are 27 classes ranging from money, food, entertainment, travel, etc.


1. My three classmates(2IKA).

2. My sister and I were walking

(D + 1FTA D).

3. I was very sad (HA,D).

4. My mom's new car (TR).

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