Reconstruction Process- According to Sir Frederic Bartlett, we can produce simple information, but when we remember complex information, we usually change it to make it easier for us to make sense of the material, based on what we already know or think we know.
Short Term- Type of memory that retains information only temporarily, for up to about 30 seconds by most estimates, although some researchers think that the maximum interval may extend to a few minutes for certain tasks. In short term memory, the material is no longer an exact sensory image but an encoding of one, such as a word or a phrase. This information either transfers into long-term memory or decays and is lost forever.
Working- Type of memory that refers to a short-term memory plus the mental processes that control the rehearsal and retrieval of information from long-term memory and interpret that information appropriately depending on the task you are doing.
Long term- Type of memory that is involved in the long-term storage of information. The great amount of information that is stored there allows us to learn, get around in the environment, and build a sense of identity and personal history.
Flash Bulb- A memory created in detail during a personally significant event.
Confabulation- When you confuse an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you, or when you come to believe that you remember something that never really happened.
Three Box model- A box model containing the three types of memory systems we have, which includes short term, sensory, and long term.
Cognitive schemas- Mental networks of knowledge, beliefs, and expectations concerning particular topics or aspects of the world.
Chunking- When chunking, you group small bits of information into larger units (chunks) so you can, for example, remember the beginning of a spoken sentence until the speaker reaches the end. A chunk may be a word or phrase, a sentence, or even a visual image, and it depends on previous experience.
Tip of the tongue (TOT) - An instance of knowing something that cannot immediately be recalled.
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