Pavlov/ Skinner

Summary of theory-
Pavlov studied the activity of digestion. He experimented on a dog by collecting its saliva while a dog is food deprived. He then rang a bell every time the dog received food creating an unconditioned reflex of the dog salivating. After time, the dog began salivating by just listening to the sound of the bell. This then creates a conditioned reflex because the dog associated the ringing of the bell with food.
Pavlov’s findings were given so many acknowledgments because his work created a new more and different way of studying behavior. His training was used for many different fields including for anti-phobia treatment. Extinction is used, which is when the conditioned response decreases in intensity only if the conditioned stimulus is constantly presented without the unconditioned stimulus. To completely end phobias, systematic desensitization is used. This is where the patient is taught a relaxing technique while imagining their fear. Furthermore, conditioning is used for commercial advertising trying to provoke a manipulating response to a stimulus.
Summary of theory-
Skinner was also studied behavior, but was more focused on stimulus response reactions. He invented a conditioning chamber, where there is one or more levers that an animal is trained to press in order to receive food. Skinner starved the animals and used either levers that can press or to turn on light on and off. This then demonstrates an “operant conditioning” and “shaping behavior”, meaning that getting an award for an act creates a desire for a new behavior.
Skinner used operant behavior, meaning when an animal’s spontaneous behavior has an effect on the environment. When the behavior is favorable, meaning that it’s reinforced, then it’s rewarded. The Skinner box was a small box for rats that contained a lever and a food tray. When the rat is introduced into the box it’s hungry; as the rat presses onto the lever a small pellet of food drops down into the tray. After some time, the rat catches on and learns how if it presses the lever, it will receive food. This in turn is called behavior that is reinforced. When food is received only after two presses, then the behavior is considered to be partial reinforcement.
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