Friday, May 21, 2010


Stress- Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by out response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, headaches/migraines etc.

General Adaption Syndrome- According to Seyle, the general adaption syndrome is a series of psychological reactions to stress occurring in three phases; alarm, resistance and exhaustion.

The Alarm Phase- The body mobilizes the sympathetic nervous system to meet the immediate threat. The threat can be anything from taking a test you haven’t studied for to running from a rabid dog. In general, the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rise in order to supply the muscles and brain with more oxygen.

The Resistance Phase- The body attempts to resist or cope with a stressor that cannot be avoided. During this phase, the physiological responses of the alarm continue, but these very responses make the body more venerable to other stressors. For example, when your body has mobilized to fight off the flu, you may find you are more easily annoyed by minor frustrations.

The Exhaustion Phase- The persistent stress depletes the body of energy, thereby increasing vulnerability to physical problems and illness.

Optimism- the general expectation that things will go well in spite of occasional setbacks.

Pessimism- the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems

Cortisol- is a stress hormone that “circulates through your body when one is stressed or anxious”.

Stressors- an activity, event, or other stimulus that causes stress.

Internal Locus of Control- the general expectation about whether you can control things to happen to you.

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